Pre-Primary Education
The school follows ‘Josephs Approach’ for pre-primary education. We follow a stress free primary year programme in Prep I and Prep II (two year skill based program).
Malayalam will be generally used as medium of instruction in Readiness class. From Prep I Onwards English will be the medium along with Malayalam.
Schoolification is not practiced at TGS. Schoolification is the label given to the phenomena of pushing down primary school academic work into preprimary programs.
Nature walks
32 nature walks will be under taken in prep 1 and 3 nature walks in the prep 2.
Nature walks gives an opportunity to the kids to explore and experience the nature.
Primary Education
Primary Education
The school follows CBSE syllabus. Students are taught 16 life skills such as Literacy, numeracy, Scientific literacy, ICT literacy, Financial literacy, Cultural and civic literacy, critical thinking/problem solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, Curiosity, Initiative, Persistence/grit, Adaptability, Leadership, and Social and cultural awareness. Our breathtaking campus directly enriches our approach.
Curricular area (grade 1 upwards)
- English (language 1)
- Malayalam (language 2)
- Hindi (Language 3)
- Mathematics
- General science
- Social science
Hindi will be imparted orally till Grade 5. It will be tested as a subject only from grade 6 upwards
Grade 1 and 2 will have EVS (Environmental Science) instead of general and social science
Extra-curricular area
(Mandatory and graded)
Performing Arts: Drama, Music, Dance
Visual Arts: Painting, Craft, Clay modeling
ICT: Information Computer Technology
Physical Education: Sports
SEWA: Social Empowerment through work and Action
Life skills: Activities integrated with lessons
Co-Curricular areas
Creative English
Activities: Nature walk, Role play, Manipulative skills, Cooking, Rain walk, Brain gym, water pool, sand pool and clay pool.
Study tours
From Grade I onwards Children will be taken out once a month for environmental education. Children will be taken out of the campus and will be chaperoned by their teacher. Participation is compulsory. A general waiver of responsibility which will cover all outings for this academic year is to be signed by parent for this purpose. Grade I upwards will have study tours once a month.
Grade 1 and 2: They will be tested continually and comprehensively throughout the year and 3 reports will be given annually.
Grade 3 upwards: There will be three periodic assessment (PA1, 2, 3) and two Terminal Assessment (TA 1, 2). You will be notified of the summative assessment well in advance